The Clown World Report
The Clown World Report
3- 2,000 Black Pills w/Stelios & Preston Reece
The first official episode of the Clown World Report with no network attachments.
In this episode, we watch the premier of Dinesh D'souza's movie, "2000 Mules" and analyze it & give commentary during the live internet premier, which had 80,000 attendees via zoom & countless others just watching at home. We are joined by a new friend, Preston Reece, who happens to be just as black pilled as the rest of us & we have a great conversation about the insanity that is our daily existence. We talk about the World Economic Forum, Religion, conspiracy theories that involve the stone masons, it's nearly a 3 hour discusison & we give our final thoughts on the film. Tune in to find out.
And remember, keep an open ear & an open mind, because we live, in a clown world, and things are not as they seem.